Echalon Hinge Poles
Hinged Multifunction Poles.
At A.D. Coote we can install the Echelon hinging system to our Urban Aluminium multifunction poles (175mm mast only) to offer customers a hinged pole system that can be operated by one person. This allows access to the pole mounted equipment without the need for Elevated work platforms (EWP). The mechanism is within the pole and does not require a counterweight system. It can be simply adjusted to allow a range of items/weights to be attached or removed or retrofitted. The hinge cartridge is a product of the UK based Aluminium Lighting Company who have granted rights to our partners Urban Aluminium to distribute the product.
This is perfect for all IOT, Telecommunications, CCTV, Solar, lighting on railway platforms or where access is difficult. Also for lighting on gantries and in mines, sports stadiums and other transport authorities. They are also perfect for coastal based applications on beach fronts and boardwalks.
The system operates on poles up to 6m high depending on wind category.