Roe St

Custom multifunction poles for the City of Perth.

The Roe St Project in the City of Perth was a groundbreaking endeavour that upgraded critical infrastructure and rejuvenated streetscapes, reconnecting the Central Business District with Northbridge and facilitating the area’s regeneration.

To achieve this vision, A. D. Coote supplied 149 Urban Aluminium multifunction poles ranging from 3.5m to 12m in height. These versatile poles served various purposes, including traffic lights, CCTV cameras, bicycle racks, street signs, banners, pole top GPOs, and custom spotlight outreaches.

Furthermore, the project incorporated six hybrid poles, towering at 9m, with custom 5.5m outreaches, adding a distinctive touch to the streetscape.

Our contribution to the Roe St Project exemplifies our expertise in delivering innovative and impactful solutions, ultimately enhancing the connectivity and vibrancy of the City of Perth’s streets.

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