Pier St

Pier St

Pier St Custom poles for the City of Perth. A. D. Coote successfully delivered custom multifunction and catenary poles for the City of Perth’s Pier St project to enhance the street’s nightlife. The project involved custom multifunction poles ranging from 3.5m to 6.5m....
Hay St

Hay St

Hay St Custom poles for the City of Perth. In 2021, A.D. Coote supplied over 70 multifunction poles for City of Perth’s East End Revitalisation Project. This transformative project contributed to the development of the vibrant East End of Hay St. Additionally, A.D....
Roe St

Roe St

Roe St Custom multifunction poles for the City of Perth. The Roe St Project in the City of Perth was a groundbreaking endeavour that upgraded critical infrastructure and rejuvenated streetscapes, reconnecting the Central Business District with Northbridge and...
Margaret River

Margaret River

Margaret River Custom multifunction poles for the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River. Margaret River’s Main Street Upgrade Project enhanced the experience of eating, drinking, shopping, and celebrating in this scenic South-West location. A.D. Coote played a pivotal...
Cecil Avenue (Stage 2)

Cecil Avenue (Stage 2)

Cecil Avenue (Stage 2) Cutting-edge multifunction poles for the City of Canning. A.D. Coote’s involvement in Cecil Avenue Stage 1 and 2 was instrumental in rejuvenating the thoroughfare and creating a captivating entrance to the City Centre for the City of Canning....